
Development Status and Application Prospects of Warp-knitted Fashioned Sportswear


Abstract: To illustrate the development and application of warp-knitted sportswear, the paper analyzes the development status of warp-knitted sportswear. By introducing the classification and structural characteristics of warp-knitted sportswear, it compares the development of domestic and foreign products in recent years and summarizes the new product development ideas of warp-knitted sportswear in different product segments. Based on the development of conventional warp-knitted sportswear, the paper introduces the development method, structure design, stitch technology, parameter setting, etc., so as to provide a reference for the further innovative development, promotion, and application of warp-knitted sportswear in the development direction of high-quality knitted products.

Key words: warp-knitted fashioned; sportswear; fashioned stitch; development; application