Abstract: “Short-process, high-efficiency” spinning technologies are becoming popular and wide-spread, and one of which is the siro-spinning technology featuring whole-process automation with blowing-carding range for preparation and spinning-winding range for spinning process, thus ensuring both high efficiency of spinning production and high quality of the resulted yarn. The paper introduces the practice of spinning T/R 67/33 18.45tex yarn with siro-spinning technology, including the spinning process, product design and technical measures for improving yarn quality.
Key words: blowing-carding range; spinning-winding range; siro-spinning; T/R blended yarn; production technology
Authority in Charge: China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)
Sponsor: China Textile Information Center (CTIC)
ISSN 1003-3025 CN11-1714/TS
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