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MATRIXTOUCH IRIDIUM3D – The latest BTSR Yarn Clearing Solution Technology meeting yarn preparation operators most demanding yarn quality monitoring demand


BTSR extends its market penetration in yarn preparation sector with MATRIXTOUCH IRIDIUM3D system, the latest clearer sensor technology release, devised to ensure accurate yarn quality control in yarn preparation processes such as winding, doubling, twisting and interlacing machines.

IRIDIUM3D sensor is a unique solution with an easy control thanks to the MATRIXTOUCH touch-screen display and the multiple functions available for a user-friendly experience.

IRIDIUM3D is able to detect the main yarn defects as neps, slub +/-, yarn +/-, no yarn by monitoring excess of filament, lack of filament, missing yarn.

This new BTSR yarn quality device comes with 3D ANALYSIS able to analyse flat & round yarns dimension with 3-Dimesions (3D) analysis, 5mm visual area.

Among the main advanced features, MATRIXTOUCH IRIDIUM3D system performs yarn diameter direct measurement, direct yarn speed measurement with possibility to include specific thresholds to activate /deactivate the sensor, all yarns defect detection capability from very thin to very thick yarns (including chenille yarns)

The new MATRIX TOUCH IRIDIUM Touch Screen terminal allows to easy up and optimize the programming of IRIDIUM3D sensors, the most suitable system configuration and a visual display production monitoring. Thanks to many unique functions, the MATRIX TOUCH IRIDIUM terminal, gives an unrivalled level of flexibility and accuracy.

The availability of MATRIXTOUCH “User Friendly” touch screen interface allows the operator a quickly and intuitively program all the needed operating parameters to effectively and quickly manage IRIDIUM3D sensors on the process line. Additionally it provides a monitoring feedback in real time, in order to manage the machine efficiency and production quality.