
Interpretation on the Prohibition and Restriction Regulations of the Main Textile Chemicals in the World


Abstract: This paper introduces the prohibition and restriction requirements for textile chemicals in the main destinations of China’s textiles exports, which have the most completed laws and regulations and certification system of textile chemicals in the world, as well as related requirements in China, including Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) of the United States, REACH Regulation and CLP Regulation of the European Union and GB 18401 National General Safety Technical Code for Textile Products, mandatory national standard GB 31701-2015 Safety Technical Code for Infants and Children Textile Products of China, as well as the influential EU eco-label label, and OEKOTEX® certification system. In addition, the paper also briefly introduces the Restricted Substance List (RSL) of the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA).

Key words: textile chemicals; laws and regulations; certification system; the United States; the European Union